Membership FAQ

ASORC Competencies and ASORC Code of Ethics

ASORC Recency of Practice

The Recency of Practice Policy sets out the requirements for members of ASORC to prove recency of practice. Recent practice is a quality assurance measure aimed at ensuring an ASORC member’s professional competence and ability to carry out their duty of care to clients as per the ASORC Code of Ethics.

To show recent practice, members must demonstrate completion of at least 1000 hours of practice in the preceding three years, with no more than two consecutive years out of practice.

Recency of practice for periods less than three years can be demonstrated by:

  1. The completion of at least 200 hours of practice per year within the last three consecutive years, and
  2. no more than two consecutive years with no practice in the membership category.

Where recency of practice cannot be substantiated, return to practice requirements apply; see the ASORC Return to Practice Policy.

Members must keep evidence of their recency of practice for a period of 3 years and supply this to ASORC on request.

• Letter from your supervisor/colleague/manager/employer describing work undertaken that aligns with the ASORC Competencies and the relevant period.

• De-identified client case studies, case notes, assessment reports and/or client plans; these must be verified by an appropriately qualified professional including time taken.

• Detailed logbooks outlining work performed and services provided.

• Position description or employment contract describing roles and responsibilities and/or involvement in research in a client or non-client professional practice setting .

• Performance reviews.

• Involvement in a research study relevant to rehabilitation counselling.

• Resources developed for the workplace (related to the field of rehabilitation counselling)

• A university transcript indicating completion of a professional practice unit or placement

• ASORC Supervision Program.

We understand that new member applicants may not have any recent practice in a rehabilitation counselling role. To show recent practice, new member applicants must provide a report of evidence to demonstrate achievement of the ASORC Competencies whilst undertaking the ASORC Supervision Program.

ASORC Return to Practice

The Return to Practice Policy provides a way for Rehabilitation Counsellors to show current knowledge, skills and competence when they seek to return to practice as a rehabilitation counsellor in a client setting. This policy applies where recency is unable to be demonstrated.

The Return to Practice program applies where recency is unable to be demonstrated. This policy document should be read in conjunction with the ASORC Recency of Practice Policy

The return to practice requirements increases as the period of time of non-practice or period of absence from a membership category increase. The return to practice requirements may be mitigated by recent practice in rehabilitation counselling that did not adequately meet the Recency of Practice requirements.

Under the Return to Practice Program, applicants are required to undertake a structured plan that may include any or all of the following:

  1. supervised practice
  2. supervision
  3. additional pro-rata continuing professional development for the year of return
  4. continuing professional development loading for the number of lapsed membership years, up to a maximum of five years (see Table 1)
  5. other activities as determined by ASORC’s governing bodies from time to time.


Table 1: Requirements before Return to Practice
Before Returning ≤3 years >3 years
Complete 10 CPD hours prior to applying to return to practice. Yes Yes
Complete and submit a Return to Practice plan (in addition to the membership CPD requirements) outlining specific learning goals relevant to the ASORC Competencies for the first year of resumption of practice. This plan should developed with an employer and must be submitted for ASORC’s approval.


For a minimum of 20 hours


For a minimum of 20 hours

Enter into a supervision relationship with an experienced practitioner (with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the rehabilitation industry in the planned area of practice) No


For a minimum of 25 hours supervision


Table 2: Requirements after Return to Practice
After Returning ≤3 years >3 years
From year 2 of the return to practice program, complete the annual CPD requirement for your membership category, plus an additional 5 formal CPD hours for each year of lapsed membership, as required, up to a maximum of five years (25 hours). Yes Yes


The ASORC CPD policy outlines suitable substantiating evidence and the categories of continuing professional development.

Proof of Currency of Membership

If you are required to show proof of your current membership to an employer or government regulator, you can use your ASORC membership tax invoice or letter of acceptance as evidence. Membership certificates can be arranged, please contact for more information.

  1. Login into your Membership Account
  2. Select My Account
  3. Select My Receipts
  4. Select Order View then Download PDF Invoice on the top left hand corner of the Order when opened

All receipts for payments made for membership fees or CPD events are stored in members accounts on the website and can be retrieved at any time.

Username and password

To reset your password go to: Member Password Reset. If you have forgotten your username please contact National Office on 1800 643 155.

Lapsed membership

ASORC Membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June and fees are payable until 31st July.

Members who fail to renew by the due date are deemed lapsed members and if renewing after that date are subject to a late payment fee of $55. Please also note that lapsed members are not eligible for pro-rata membership fees. Please be aware that if you let your membership lapse, it is possible that you may be ineligible to re-join ASORC.

Membership application by third party

ASORC membership, due to privacy considerations, may only be applied for by individuals. Applications for or on behalf of potential members submitted by third parties, including current or prospective employers, will not be accepted nor considered as a valid application.

Further, regardless of provision of an authority from the prospective member, ASORC will not enter into any dialogue or correspondence with any employer regarding the progress, acceptance, rejection or membership level of any applicant at any stage.

All attempts by employers and third parties to contact the ASORC Membership and Supervision Sub-Committee will be referred to the above policy in all instances.

Employers and potential members are further notified that no membership applicant has an automatic right or entitlement to ASORC membership of any category. No potential member may represent that they are entitled to or qualify for ASORC membership of any category. To do so constitutes both a false representation and a potential misuse of ASORC's trademark and intellectual property.

Employers are similarly cautioned against making any representation to the public/third parties that their employees are "entitled" to or "qualified" for ASORC membership unless their employees have current ASORC membership for the same reasons.

ASORC fully reserves its legal rights in relation to the above matters.

International Applicants

How to join ASORC with international qualifications

ASORC welcome applicants with international qualifications. To confirm that your overseas qualification is equivalent to an Australian degree, and that you meet the  eligibility requirements, there are a couple of additional requirements when submitting your application.

Information for individuals with international qualifications

Overseas Qualifications Formal Assessment

You will need to obtain an Overseas Qualifications Formal Assessment from an authorised assessing organisation, such as:

IELTS score confirmation

ASORC require an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 7 or higher. To find your university’s IELTS score please use the  organisations that recognise IELTS webpage and screenshot the result. 

ASORC Supplementary Questions for Applicants with Overseas Qualifications 

You will need to complete the  ASORC Supplementary Questions for Applicants with Overseas Qualifications  form and provide additional information about your overseas qualification and course. 

Applying for Membership

  1. Complete an  ASORC online membership application form
  2. Complete Requirements for acceptance as an Associate Member
    • Complete  Overseas Qualification Supplementary Questions form (if required)
    • Upload Overseas Qualifications Formal Assessment from an authorised assessing organisation as additional information
    • A screenshot of your IELTS score confirmation to verify your university IELTS score requirement is 7 or higher

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions regarding your membership, please contact the National Office on 1800 643 155 or email: