CPD Requirements

As the leading professional body for rehabilitation counsellors the ASORC continuing professional development (CPD) framework ensures that our members continue to meet the changing needs of the profession.

CPD framework ensures that our members maintain:

  • ongoing capability, knowledge and competence
  • keep up to date with industry changes
  • keep abreast of current best practice, and
  • ensure innovation

Meeting Your CPD Goals

ASORC provides members with the opportunity to include a wide variety of formal and informal training and to meet CPD requirements.

Accepted CPD activities include:

  • Professional Contributions
    • ASORC supervision / mentoring
    • ASORC Board activities
    • ASORC Subcommittee / Working Group activities
    • Presenting / speaking at ASORC PD events
    • Writing / assessing academic literature
    • Contributing to ASORC publications (newsletter/journal/website) (capped at 5 hours)
  • Further Education
    • Academic study in Rehabilitation Counselling
    • ASORC PD events / conference / webinars
    • Non-ASORC conference / PD event / webinars
    • Participating in relevant in-house training (approved by ASORC)
  • Self Education (capped at 5 hrs)
    • Quality assurance / peer consultation
    • Reviewing / reading relevant articles

Looking for CPD opportunities?

Browse Upcoming Events

View our range of Webinar Recordings

What counts as evidence?

CPD activities require proof of completion. Evidence may include:

  • A certificate of attendance
  • Proof of enrolment, e.g. receipt with members name
  • Signed supervisors report
  • Statutory Declaration
  • Reading list

What is my CPD Goal?

Your CPD goal is based on the following:

  • Full members: 20 hours per year
  • Associate members: 25 hours per year
  • Student and Retired members: No CPD requirement

Please note: One hour of CPD is equal to one CPD point.

How to log your CPD Points

  1. Log into the Membership Portal
  2. Go to My CPD Tracker
  3. Register additional Professional Development using the Register PD Form 
  4. Make sure you select the category and activity your PD falls under
  5. Fill in the details as required, with an adequate description
  6. Attach the evidence where required, please note the system will not allow you to progress if the evidence is not provided
  7. Click Submit and you will see that the activity has been added.

Please note - Some activities require review by our team and you may see their status change.
You can edit activities you have added or remove it, by clicking the trash button or edit button to the right of the activity.

Current Goal is a tally of CPD points completed and relates to your membership category, i.e. Full Member goal = 20 points. After an activity has be logged, points will be deducted from the Current Goal until the required CPD points have been reached and the Current Goal changes to Achieved.

Compliance & Auditing

1. Compliance

At the time of membership renewal, (i.e. June every year) ASORC will request members to declare that they have completed their minimum CPD requirement for the preceding membership year. Knowingly making a false declaration will be considered to constitute behaviour for which conduct or performance action may be taken.

CPD is monitored by ASORC Admin through an annual random audit of a minimum of 5% of the membership base. Auditing for each past membership year will commence from the 1st of July.

Accordingly all members are encouraged to maintain adequate records of the conferences, internal employer training and CPD training courses they attend annually in the event of an audit.

ASORC will also be taking steps to ensure that the necessary CPD sessions to achieve the required CPD hours are reasonably accessible to members in the course of the membership year.

Please have the evidence scanned and ready when you complete your CPD log, as you will not be able to save the activity without the evidence attached.

2. Failure to Comply

If an audited or self-declared member fails to meet their annual CPD requirement:

They are notified and allowed a grace period of 3 months to complete their CPD.

If the CPD requirement has not been met at the end of this grace period, ASORC will suspend the member’s membership until evidence of completion of CPD is supplied.

If a period of suspension lasts over a year, the provisions of the ASORC Recency of Practice and Return to Practice policies apply.

3. Exemptions

An ASORC member may apply for exemption to CPD requirements due to:

  • ill health,
  • maternity or paternity leave
  • or other special circumstances.

An application for exemption must be submitted in writing to ASORC for consideration, specifying the reason for the request and the period required, as well as any supporting medical or other relevant information. Approval for exemptions are at the discretion of ASORC.

If you have any questions about CPD, please contact National Office on 1800 643 155 or email: admin@asorc.org.au