Strategic Plan

ASORC Mission

The mission of ASORC is to represent, promote and lead the profession of Rehabilitation Counselling and to enhance the professional capability of members to deliver service excellence.


ASORC Strategy - governance, representation, valueOur goals are aligned with our objects as listed in the ASORC Constitution. By striving to meet these objects we will achieve ASORC’s mission

Goal 1 - Governance

Ensure sound governance of ASORC through quality assurance, risk management and accountability.

Strategies for Goal 1

  • Continue Quality Assurance and Improvement
  • Identify, Assess and Manage Risk
  • Demonstrate Accountability

Goal 2 – Representation

Represent members through engagement and advocacy with government, industry and the wider community.

Strategies for Goal 2

  • Develop Communities of Expertise
  • Engage with Stakeholders and the Community
  • Advocate for Rehabilitation Counsellors

Goal 3 - Value

Create opportunities for members to develop and promote their professional knowledge and skills.

Strategies for Goal 3

  • Provide Professional Education
  • Deliver Relevant Communications
  • Promote and Empower Members