Hearing Rehabilitation: Part 1 - Current Issues

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What is this webinar about?

Various State and Federal Acts provide for the rehabilitation of people with hearing needs, where such services focus on the provision of reasonably necessary treatments and interventions. In the case of hearing services, these Acts have been narrowly interpreted to mean that hearing loss equals hearing aids. In a series of two webinars, Dr Anthony Hogan will share with members the latest insights from research which details the rehabilitative need of people with acquired hearing loss. The first webinar will present these learnings and in turn juxtapose these research insights with the extent to which the existing system presently meets such needs. Inherently, the system fails about 1:2 people and is in urgent need of change. Webinar 2 will in turn outline the work ASORC has been conducting with policy makers to improve the provision of hearing rehabilitation services at both state and federal levels, particularly with regards to RCs providing much needed psycho-social rehabilitation and employment services. Completion of these webinars will be prerequisites for RCs wishing to participate in further ASORC training programs focused on the provision of these rehab services.

The Speaker

Dr Anthony Hogan is a Fellow of the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors and Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. He has been working with people with hearing loss for over 30 years and widely recognised as a leader in the field of hearing rehabilitation and has been at the forefront of efforts to reform hearing services. He has published more than 100 refereed research papers and monographs and with half a dozen books. His work has been widely cited, with Google Scholar reporting almost 14,000 citations of his research. His psycho-social approach to hearing services is used in Australia as well as the UK, the USA and New Zealand.

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Hearing Rehabilitation: Part 1 - Current Issues
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    $50.00 $55.00 inc. GST
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