Employability Assessment in TPD - Part 2

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What is this webinar about?

This recording is for the second part of our two-part series on TPD and Employability Assessment.

This is an in-depth presentation on:

  • The history of employability assessments in Australia
  • Recurring themes in the current literature surrounding employability assessments
  • Understanding the claimants’ experience of TPD
  • Understanding the insurers’ and decision makers' experience of employability assessments
  • The current state of employability assessment providers in Australia
  • The steps needed to improve employability assessments in Australia
  • Implications for current providers and those hoping to provide employability assessment services

The Speaker

Our speaker was Dr Margaret Black, a Rehabilitation Counsellor and Fellow of ASORC.

Dr Margaret Black

Starting out at CRS Australia, Margaret has worked in a variety of public and compensable settings. Within the life insurance sector, she has been a contractor, a rehab advisor and an external provider.

Her first-class honours thesis was on an alternative approach to vocational assessment and she has continued her interest in this area.

In 2007, Margaret was the winner of the inaugural ALUCA research prize for her paper Employability Aspects of TPD. This underpinned her passion for employability assessment in TPD.

Margaret has now completed her PhD on this topic and will share the findings from her research.

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