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What is this webinar about?
Do your clients struggle with persistent pain? Perhaps you've tried pain education but they still aren't managing well?
Hear from and have your questions answered by Kathy Hubble, a persistent pain specialist, business leader and entrepreneur with over 20 years' experience in pain management.
Attendees will learn:
- What is persistent pain and why do people struggle to manage it?
- History of pain management approaches
- Issues with current approaches to managing persistent pain
- Why are we having so many deaths per year from prescription medications?
- Advice on current best practices for pain management
- Pain management resources/programs available in the community
- Self-management of chronic conditions through digital health
- Advice on discussing pain management with clients/workers
- Advice on discussing pain management with medical professionals
- Pain management case study example(s) highlighting common pitfalls, tips and tricks
The Speaker
Kathy Hubble is a persistent pain specialist, business leader and entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience in pain management. She delivers expert information and training on the mechanisms of chronic and neurological pain conditions to health professionals. Kathy has worked across claims assessment, RTW and clinical care.
Drawing from her extensive experience, Kathy has developed digital pain management platforms (Amelio Health and Phoenix Pain Management) for people in pain, healthcare professionals and case managers. These programs deliver up-to-date knowledge and practice through digital self-management interventions.